LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO:JOEL CARL ROSERY TAKE NOTICE: that Jamie Medina and Bradley Kelloway, by their solicitor, MARK E. FEEHAN, of 10160-118 Street,Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 1Y4, commenced an action against you in the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta, Action No. 1503 12022 and No. 1503 16635, wherein the Plaintiffs claim a Judgment against you for injuries arising out of a motor vehicle accident on or about November 27, 2013. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that it has been ordered that service of the Statement of Claim in the said action can be effected on you by this advertisement. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that you only have a short time to defend yourself against this claim: 20 days if you are served in Alberta 1 month if you are served outside Alberta but in Canada 2 months if you are served outside Canada You can respond by filing a statement of defence or a demand for notice in the office of the clerk of the Court of Queen's Bench at Edmonton, Alberta, AND serving your statement of defence or demand for notice on the plaintiff's address for service. WARNING: If you do not file and serve a statement of defence or a demand for notice within your time period, you risk losing the lawsuit automatically. If you do not file, or do not serve, or are late doing either of these things, a court may give a judgment to the plaintiff(s) against you. The Plaintiff's solicitor is: MARK E. FEEHAN, 10160-118 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 1Y4.