TO: NEIL SCHOTT TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against you by Statement of Claim in Court File Number 1503 18127, Judicial Centre Edmonton, in this Court by CITIFINANCIAL CANADA INC., in which the Plaintiff's claim is for foreclosure of its Mortgage secured by the lands legally described as: PLAN 8022199 BLOCK 3 LOT 19 EXCEPTING THEREOUT ALL MINES AND MINERALS AND THE RIGHT TO WORK THE SAME. a copy of which will be mailed to you upon request directed to the Plaintiffs solicitors, SNYDER & ASSOCIATES LLP, 2500, 10123 - 99 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 3H1 Attention: E.A Bridges, Q.C. And Take Notice that it has been ordered that service of the Statement of Claim on you be effected by this advertisement. Should you wish to oppose the Statement of Claim or seek other relief, you must promptly take steps in accordance with the Notice to you endorsed on the Statement of Claim, or instruct your lawyers to do so. If within 30 days after this publication you fail to file with the Office of the Clerk of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta, Judicial Centre Edmonton, Edmonton, Alberta, a Statement of Defence or Demand for Notice or Notice of Address for Service, the Plaintiff may proceed according to the practice of the Court to take the next step in the within proceedings and you will not thereafter be entitled to further notice thereof, and the relief sought by the Plaintiff may be given in your absence. DATED at Edmonton, Alberta, this 9 day of December 2015.