IN THE COURT OF QUEEN’S BENCH OF MANITOBA NOTICE TO: EUGENE MICHAEL KLOCHKO Last known address: P.O. Box 1615, Gibbons, AB T0A 1N0 TAKE NOTICE that the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation (“MPI”) has filed a Statement of Claim in the Court of Queen’s Bench of Manitoba, Court File No. CI 14-01-92943, and has named you as a defendant. The claim alleges that you are liable for a motor vehicle collison involving a 1995 Ford F250, which occurred on December 19, 2012 at the intersection of Road 105N and Road 15E, near Teulon, Manitoba. MPI is claiming that you are liable for the damages resulting from the collision in the amount of $29,328.06, plus amounts to be determined. Further and more detailed allegations of the claim can be found in the Statement of Claim, a copy of which will be mailed to you upon your request. Direct your request for a copy of the Statement of Claim to: Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Legal Department 702 – 234 Donald Street Winnipeg, MB R3C 4A4 Attention: T. M. Brown – (204) 985-8770 ext. 8007 Because your current address is currently unknown to MPI, the Court has ordered substitutional service upon you by this notice. Should you wish to oppose the claim or seek other relief, you must take steps in accordance with the instructions provided in the Statement of Claim. If you fail to file a Statement of Defence within fifty (50) days from the date this notice appears, MPI will note you in default and judgment may be entered against you without further notice.